Clinically, one or two nocturnal emissions in a month is considered normal, while more than two emissions a week along with weakness, dizziness, insomnia, etc. is regarded as abnormal.
What is Nocturnal Emission?
Nocturnal Emission, also known as “wet dream” or “Nightfall”, is an involuntary ejaculation of semen during sleep. It is most common during adolescence and early adulthood, but they may occur any time after puberty. According to studies, 83% of men at some point experience nocturnal emission; however, its frequency varies greatly from person to person. Nocturnal emissions are characterized by semen ejaculation when asleep, thus they are referred to as “Nightfall” as well. It is generally preceded by a sexual dream. Hence, they are also known as “wet dreams”. One may or may not remember the actual dream. Usually, sexual inadequacies come to light only after marriage. But sex- related problems like Nocturnal Emission occur even before marriage. Mostly ignored, the problem is bothersome and highly embarrassing because it affects young boys at puberty, who don’t know where to go for help.
Signs & Symptoms of Nocturnal Emission
Complications of Nocturnal Emission
- Low levels of confidence
- Weak self-esteem
- Low libido
- Mood swings or emotion fluctuations (mostly feeling guilty or sad)
- Inability to ejaculate
- No production of semen
- Erectile Dysfunction
- Constipation
- Premature Ejaculation
- Weight loss
Healthy Tips
- Follow a proper diet routine with healthy eating habits.
- It is also recommended to indulge in daily exercises as that prevents the condition from occurring.
- Do not wear tight pants when sleeping. It's best to sleep in loose clothes and garments.
- Do not eat excessively spicy, junk and processed foods.
- Stay away from taking carbonated drinks and alcohol.
- Limit intake of caffeine products.
- Practice meditation and yoga to stay calm and stress-free.
- Try to maintain a proper sleep cycle.
Suffering from such chronic Nocturnal Emission desire will surely lead you to stress and agony. But becoming hopeless isn’t an ultimate solution. Natural Treatment, for Nocturnal Emission diseases has been proved to be highly efficacious. In this context, ‘Naturoveda Health World’ has rendered successful treatment by combining Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Potentised Unani and Therapeutic Yoga.
Why Choose Naturoveda
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cause of disease.
Confidentiality is strictly maintained.
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more than7.5 Lakh Patients.
Backed by extensive R&D, Medicines approved by the Drug Control of India.
The Man Behind Naturoveda
Dr. K. M. Saifullah
Chief Medical Director, Naturoveda HEALTH WORLD
Editor-in-Chief, Health Companion
Honoured as Revolutionary Icon of Indian Medical Sciences.
Dr. Khalid Md. Saifullah is the shining visionary,
proactive leader and driving force behind Naturoveda
Health World. When Dr. Saifullah started working on
building a brand that combines the ancient natural
treatment systems to deliver the benefits of
Ayurveda, Unani and
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