A clear and healthy skin has great influence on the overall personality and confidence of a person. Conversely, skin disease like eczema often leads to depression, anxiety and poor self-esteem. But there is no reason to lose hope. Naturoveda has helped innumerable people to get rid of chronic skin ailments like eczema in a natural and safe way.
What is Eczema?
Eczema is a type of inflammatory skin condition that can affect people at any age and varies in severity. Eczema can be of two types –“atopic” or genetically caused and “contact” or triggered by contact with some external allergy-inducing substance. Patients with Atopic Dermatitis may also suffer from Eczema.
In case of mild Eczema, the skin becomes dry, hot and itchy. In its severe form, the skin can become broken, raw and even bleed.

Signs & Symptoms of Eczema

Common Eczema Triggers
- Soaps and Detergents
- Chemicals and Cosmetics
- Allergens
- Pollution
- Cleaners and disinfectants
- Environmental factors like hot and cold weather
- Dust mites, pet fur, pollen
Healthy Tips
- Moisturize your skin with a natural moisturizer often
- Avoid the factors that trigger your outbreaks
- Take short showers or baths using lukewarm water
- Use a humidifier as low humidity levels can trigger eczema
- Avoid scratching as it damages skin and aggravate the condition
- Wear clothing made of pure cotton as it helps prevent skin irritation
- Learn to manage your stress as it can increase the problem
- Avoid overheating your home as it can cause eczema outbreaks
- Refrain from using cosmetics, soaps, chemicals, detergent, scented lotions etc

Suffering from such chronic Eczema will surely lead you to stress and agony. But becoming hopeless isn’t an ultimate solution. Natural Treatment, for such Eczema diseases has been proved to be highly efficacious. In this context, ‘Naturoveda Health World’ has rendered successful treatment by combining Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Potentised Unani and Therapeutic Yoga.
Why Choose Naturoveda
The Largest Team of Qualified Ayurvedic, Unani Doctors & Yoga Experts.
Natural, Safe & Scientific.
No Side-effects.
Prime Focus on eradication of the root
cause of disease.
Confidentiality is strictly maintained.
Experience of having treated
more than7.5 Lakh Patients.
Backed by extensive R&D, Medicines approved by the Drug Control of India.
What does the Patient Say?

Imtiyaz Ahmed
“For the past 1 year, I have been suffering from Eczema. I am taking consultation from last 2 months and it is healing.”
Patient ID: PC-513455
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Sudebi Bachar
“Fluid-filled skin eruptions used to ooze a lot and led to irritation. Due to this, I was not able to sleep properly at night. But now the condition is completely resolved.”
Patient ID: TT-511275
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Sanghamitra Das
"I was irritated by stubborn Eczema for long 2 years. After taking treatment from Naturoveda, I got an effective result"
Patient ID: UD-13198
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Sohel Rana Shaikh
“I had skin problems like fungal infection and ring worm for 2 ½ years. After taking medicines prescribed by Dr. K. M. Saifullah, I’ve got 80% relief.”
Patient ID: UD-520199
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Narayan Chandra Mondal
“I was suffering from Eczema for 10 years. Mainly, my hands were affected by this. But, after taking treatment under Naturoveda, my skin problem has been 95% resolved.”
Patient ID: UD-516611
view full testimonialThe Man Behind Naturoveda
Dr. K. M. Saifullah
Chief Medical Director, Naturoveda HEALTH WORLD
Editor-in-Chief, Health Companion
Honoured as Revolutionary Icon of Indian Medical Sciences.
Dr. Khalid Md. Saifullah is the shining visionary,
proactive leader and driving force behind Naturoveda
Health World. When Dr. Saifullah started working on
building a brand that combines the ancient natural
treatment systems to deliver the benefits of
Ayurveda, Unani and
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