Knee Pain or chronic knee pain can affect patients of all age groups. It might be caused by an injury or an underlying orthopaedic condition. Most common causes of knee pain include injury from accident, overuse of knee joint, age related degeneration and arthritis. Knee pain is usually accompanied by swelling and stiffness.
Though knee pain is a problem mainly associated with the elderly, the scenario is changing rapidly. Due to unhealthy lifestyle, the youth is also falling prey to this problem due to a number of reasons.
The good news is that knee pain, be it acute or chronic, can be eradicated effectively. There are completely natural and safe ways to deal with it. At, Naturoveda Health World we combine the unique concepts of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Potentised Unani and Therapeutic Yoga to deal with the causes and other symptoms related to knee pain effectively, without any side effects.
For effective knee pain treatment in Kolkata, you can consult the experts of Naturoveda Health World. We use completely safe and natural concepts to treat knee pain from the root. Our team of knee pain doctors and specialist are well experienced and have been providing safe and effective Ayurvedic treatment for knee pain for years.
Common Symptoms of Knee Pain
Symptoms depend on and vary according to the underlying causes behind the knee pain a patient is experiencing. However, there are certain common symptoms associated with problems of the knee joint. They are –
- Stiffness
- Swelling
- Redness
- Warmth
- Inability of the knee to bear weight or instability
- Weakness
- Crunching noises
- Inability to perform any common knee movement like not being able to fully straighten the knee, folding and walking.
Common Causes of Knee Pain
As mentioned earlier, knee pain can occur from a number of underlying complications. The pain mainly arises from problems of the knee joint. An active lifestyle ensures that joints are healthy but old age, injury and other conditions may affect the function of the knee joint.
Some most common problems and conditions associated with knee pain are –
1. Preacher’s Knee or Bursitis
A fluid-filled sac called bursa lies below the skin and above the knee joint. It prevents friction during joint movement. Overuse of the knee joint, an accident or a lot of kneeling can lead to injury on the bursa, the condition is known as prepatellar bursitis. This leads to pain and swelling over and around the kneecap.
2. Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury
There are four ligaments that connect the thigh bone to the shin bone – anterior cruciate ligament being one of them. An injury to this ligament can cause severe knee pain. This type of injury is common among athletes associated with sports like basketball, soccer etc.
3. Jumper’s Knee
A tendon or a tough band of tissue connects the kneecap to the shinbone. Over-exercise can make this tendon inflamed and sore. This condition is also called patellar tendinitis. It is commonly termed as jumper’s knee because stress injury from repeated jumping commonly causes this condition.
4. Chondromalacia Patellae
It refers to damage of the cartilage under the kneecap. This condition is common among the youth, athletes, runners etc. It results from overuse of the knee. Too much of running over time deteriorates and softens the cartilage under the kneecap which is a natural shock absorber. This condition makes it extremely difficult for the patient to walk up and down the stairs, sit cross legged etc.
5. Fractures
Fractures in the knee like a broken kneecap, arising from injuries and accidents, can cause severe knee pain.
6. Meniscal Tear
An injury from an accident may result in the ripping of a cartilage, the rough edge of which gets stuck in the knee joint causing pain and swelling.
7. IT Band Inflammation
The IT or iliotibial band is a piece of tissue that runs from the hip to the knee. Too much of activity causes straining on this part of the body and over time can cause this tissue to get inflamed. This may also lead to knee pain.
8. Patellar Dislocation
One of the most common causes of knee pain among the youth is a dislocated kneecap. An accident can cause the kneecap to slide out of place.
9. Osgood-Schlatter Disease
This condition is characteristic among teenagers as it happens when the bones of the knee are still in the developmental stage. It appears in the form of a painful bump below the knee. It happens because a tendon from the knee cap joins the shin. This pain comes and goes over time.
10. Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome
Arising from muscle imbalance, alignment problems of the legs, stiffness and tightness, this condition causes pain and the ‘buckling sensation’ which means that the patient is suddenly unable to bear the weight of the body. This condition is more common in women that in men.
11. Changed Gait
People suffering from hip or foot pain often unknowingly change their gait or the way they walk in order to avoid pain. Over time, this may stress out the knee joint and cause severe pain.
Arthritis & Chronic Knee Pain
Arthritis is the top cause of chronic knee pain among the elderly in India. There are over a hundred types of arthritis. Among them, the most common ones associated with knee pain are –
- Osteoarthritis -Also called degenerative arthritis, it is the most common type of arthritis. It is related to the deterioration of the knee cartilage.
- Rheumatoid Arthritis –This leads to debilitation of the knee joint and is an autoimmune and a chronic condition. The severity of rheumatoid arthritis may vary from patient to patient.
- Gout – Uric acid crystals may build up in the knee joint. Gout comes with pain.
- Septic Arthritis –The pain associated with septic arthritis or arthritis arising from an infection, comes suddenly and is accompanied by swelling and redness.
- Pseudogout – Pseudogout is accompanied by gout-like symptoms. In this condition, calcium containing crystals develop in the joint fluid. Knees are commonly affected by this type of arthritis.
Knee pain can be caused due to numerous complicated reasons. At Naturoveda Health World, we treat knee pain by targeting its root cause alongside relieving the symptoms. We have the best herbal remedy for knee pain and the best team of knee pain specialists in Kolkata.
Symptoms as Per the Types of Knee Pain
Knee pain can have causes that aren’t due to underlying disease. Examples include heavy physical activity, lack of use, injuries such as sprains or strains, sitting in a constrained area or sitting on knees for a prolonged period.
Conditions Related to Acute Pain
- Sprained/Torn Cruciate Ligaments
- A ‘pop’ sound with the tear of the ligament
- Severe pain that may even lead to vomiting
- Acute instability in the knee joint
- Marked knee swelling
- Tendon Ruptures
- Pain while trying to extend the knee
- Patients with completely ruptured quadriceps or patellar tendon are not able to extend the knee
- Meniscal Injuries
- The knee may get locked in a particular position
- Patients may experience a clicking or grinding sensation during normal knee movements
- Knee may be unable to bear weight and give away
- Swelling may accompany, typically not of the severe type
- Knee Dislocation
- Very painful
- Deformity of the knee is clearly visible and obvious
- Feeling of a dull clunk as dislocated knee moves or falls back into alignment
- Kneecap Dislocation
- Dislocated patella clearly visible
- Difficulty extending out the knee
Conditions Related to Chronic Pain
- Osteoarthritis
- Chronic pain
- Pain increases with activity
- Sudden pain and instability after a period of rest
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Morning stiffness
- Accompanied by pain in other joints as well
- Crystalline Arthritis
- Sudden severe attacks of pain
- Pain is accompanied by swelling and redness
- Tenderness
- Pain in the night time is common
- Bursitis
- Painful and swollen knee
- Pain in the region of the bursa
- Pain gets worse with bending of the knee
- Pain increases at night while sleeping
- Infectious Arthritis
- Pain and swelling in the knee
- Infection is often accompanied by fever and chills
- Patellofemoral Syndrome and Chondromalacia Patella
- Patellofemoral joint becomes inflamed both in the inner and outer side
- Pain worsens with activity
- Pain increases with sitting for a long time
- Articular cartilage softens or roughens on the underside of the patella
- Jumper’s Knee
- Localized pain
- Pain worsens with activity
- Activities like jumping up become extremely painful as it puts pressure on the knee tendons
- Osgood-Schlatter Disease
- Pain at the tibial tubercle
- Pain worsens with extending the leg
- Tibial tubercle is tender to touch
- Over time tibial tubercle starts protruding as the inflammation makes the bone grow
- Iliotibial Band Syndrome
- Pain at the lateral femoral condyle
- Pain begins after 10-15 of performing an activity such as running
- Rest lessens the pain
To treat knee pain, you first need to hit at its cause! Identifying the symptoms mentioned is key to identifying the cause of knee pain. If identified at an early stage, you can completely cure knee pain through Ayurvedic treatment for knee pain.
Osteoarthritis & Runner’s Knee: Two Major Causes of Knee Pain in India
There are many causes and health conditions related to chronic knee pain. Out of those, the most common in the Indian subcontinent are osteoarthritis and runner’s knee. Let us know more about these health conditions.
Osteoarthritis is also called degenerative arthritis of the knee. Age is the primary risk factor towards the development of osteoarthritis. This condition is related to the wear and tear of the cartilage of the knee. The cartilage is the natural shock absorber for the knee joint. With its degeneration – which may be due to excess weight, injury or infection – the bones of the knee joint rub more closely with one another resulting in swelling, stiffness, inability to move properly and even bone spurs.
Causes of Osteoarthritis
- Age – This is the most common cause of the condition. People beyond the age of 45 are more likely to develop this kind of arthritis. The reason behind this is that with the increase of age, the ability of the knee cartilage to heal itself decreases.
- Weight – Excess weight means excess pressure on the knee joints. For increase in every unit of weight, the pressure inflicted on the knee joints get multiplied 3 to 4 times, while a patient is running, climbing up the stairs or even walking.
- Family History – In some cases it has been seen that osteoarthritis gets transmitted from generation to generation of the same family. This may be due to inherited abnormalities in bone structure, inherited obesity etc.
- Gender – While women of ages 55 and more, across the globe, are more likely to develop of osteoarthritis, Indian women are more prone to develop osteoarthritis of the knee joint.
- Stress Injury – Some people, who are associated with professions that require them to kneel, squat or lift heavy weight end up inflicting stress injury to their knee joints. These people are more likely to develop osteoarthritis.
- Association with Sports – Athletes who play soccer, tennis or are required to run long distances are more prone to develop osteoarthritis. This does not mean that all soccer and tennis players will develop this condition. In fact, exercise leads to strong muscles and the joints, reducing the risk of osteoarthritis.
- Hormones – In some cases, people with growth hormone imbalance, are likely to develop osteoarthritis.
Sometimes iron overload increases the risk of osteoarthritis.
Symptoms of Osteoarthritis
- Pain – Pain from osteoarthritis increases with activity and decreases when the knee is given rest.
- Stiffness – A patient of osteoarthritis feels excessive stiffness in the knee joint right after waking up in the morning or after some period of rest.
- Immobility of Knee – Osteoarthritis patients find it difficult to perform certain activities like walking up the stairs, getting up from a seated posture on a chair, getting out of the car etc- in fact any activity that requires knee joint function.
- Creaking sound from knee movement.
- Warm feel in the joint.
X-Rays and MRI scans are the most common tests conducted to diagnose osteoarthritis.
Runner’s Knee
Runner’s knee refers to a group of conditions concerning the kneecap. These conditions include anterior knee pain, chondromalacia patella, iliotibial band syndrome, patellofemoral misalignment etc. It goes without saying that the most common cause behind the condition is running. But any activity like skiing, jumping, biking, cycling, playing soccer etc that impose stress on the knee joint can lead to this disorder.
Symptoms of Runner’s Knee
- This disorder is characterised by a dull, throbbing pain behind the kneecap, especially where it meets the femur bone.
- A person suffering from runner’s knee feels pain while performing activities like walking, climbing up and down the stairs, kneeling, running, squatting, sitting for a long time with a bent knee, trying to sit down or trying to stand up etc.
- Swelling
- Popping or grinding sensation
- In case of iliotibial band syndrome, the pain is felt on the outside of the knee.
Causes of Runner’s Knee
- Overuse of knee joint
- If the kneecap moves from proper alignment
- Complete or partial dislocation of kneecap
- Trauma inflicted on kneecap
- Weak and stiff thigh muscles
- Flat feet
- Arthritis
- Kneecap fracture
- Not stretching before exercising
- Plica Syndrome or Synovial Plica Syndrome – a condition in which the knee joint’s lining becomes inflamed and thick.
Runner’s knee can be successfully controlled with proper care at home. Giving rest to the knee, application of ice pack, compression and elevating the knee by placing a pillow under it, go a long way in relieving knee pain from runner’s knee condition. We will explore more such home remedies for knee pain or ways to relieve knee pain at home.
For knee pain relief get in touch with an Ayurvedic doctor for knee pain in Kolkata. Contrary to popular belief, there are numerous solutions for knee pain issues in the concepts of Ayurveda, Unani and Yoga. Natural solutions treat knee pain effectively.
Risk Factors
A patient might be more prone to developing painful conditions of the knee joint if the person is having the following risk factors-
1. Being Overweight
Excess weight, obesity, being overweight etc puts more pressure on the knee joints while the patient is climbing up the stairs, running or even walking. Excess weight is strongly associated with the development of osteoarthritis as it leads to wear and tear of the knee cartilage.
2. Having a History of Knee Injury
A fracture from an accident in the past or any injury which had not been treated properly may lead to the development of knee joint problems later on in life. The patient’s knee, in this case, is more susceptible or likely to get easily injured again.
3. Occupation
Believe it or not, being associated with certain professions, especially in the field of sports can make you more prone to knee injury or damage. If the patient was occupied in a job like farming or construction that led to repeated stress on the patient’s knees, development of knee joint complication is not surprising. Basketball players, skiers, sportsmen who jog or run a lot all suffer from this risk factor.
4. Age
Some health conditions related to knee pain, like osteoarthritis, mostly affect the elderly.
5. Having Low Muscle Strength & Flexibility
An active lifestyle ensures well-lubricated joints and flexible muscles. Similarly, if the patient is suffering from low muscle strength and low flexibility, it is indirectly imposing more strain on the joint, increasing the risk of knee injury.
Knee Pain Prevention
It is not possible to completely prevent conditions that lead to knee pain. However, if you have a past injury that has affected your knee joint or if you are starting to feel certain discomfort at your knee joint, you can bring about a few lifestyle changes to delay the process that lead to complications of the knee joint and pain.
1. Shed Off the Extra Pounds
Extra weight puts extra pressure on your knees. In fact, for every unit of extra you put on, you are putting 3 to 4 times extra pressure on your knees while engaging in activities like climbing up the stairs, running etc. Extra weight makes you prone to developing osteoarthritis. A light body means healthier knees.
2. Work towards Building Stronger & More Flexible Muscles
Engage in sports, exercise regularly, indulge in stretching exercises and lead an active lifestyle. This keeps the joints flexible and the muscles stronger. Strong muscles ensure that activities impose less pressure on your knee joint. Weak muscles are also a major reason behind knee injuries. Well-developed quadriceps and hamstrings support the knees. Practice stretching before exercising.
3. Choose your Exercise Wisely
If you are already suffering from osteoarthritis, gout or rheumatoid arthritis, it will be unwise for you to indulge in exercise. Talk to a knee pain specialist and a physical trainer to know exactly what kinds of exercises are suitable for you. Consider switching to low impact activities like yoga, water aerobics, physiotherapy etc. Also, stop exercising when you are tired. Many injuries happen when you make a tired body engage in exercises.
4. Avoid Certain Activities
If you are suffering from the early signs of knee problems, talk to a knee pain specialist or knee pain doctor to know which kind of activities can trigger your problem. For example, patients of osteoarthritis are asked by doctors to avoid folding their knees. Such patients should not be sitting on the floor or do anything that requires them to completely fold their knees. Some health conditions related to the knee might require a patient to avoid running or running downhill. Also, walking on rough terrain can be hazardous to the health of the knee joint. It is better to move in smooth and even surfaces.
5. The Kind of Shoes You Wear
The health of your knees depends a lot on the way you are walking and your gait is dependent on the shoes you wear. Wear comfortable shoes or those that are prescribed by a knee pain specialist. Shoe inserts can also help you walk in a way that is healthier for your knee joint. Even those who do not suffer from knee problems should wear proper running shoes while brisk walking, running or engaging in sports.
6. Protection
If you are into sports like basketball, football, baseball etc, wear good protective gear, like kneepads, to avoid injury.
7. Home Care
There are numerous home care techniques and remedies that easily relieve knee pain and keep the knee pain at bay. In the next segment, we shall discuss these in details.
Home Care for Knee Pain
It is really easy to take care of a painful knee at home. There are many things you can do to relieve pain, ease swelling and get relief. You have to make these habits part of your daily routine. Let us see how you can take care of a painful knee at home.
The main focus of home care for knee pain is strengthening the knee and making sure that inflammation from an injury does not become a chronic issue. There are several things you can do –
- Start with Protecting the Knee
While engaging in activities that can potentially impose an injury or stress injury to the knee always wear a kneepad. Such activities include all kinds of sports, running, jumping etc.
Protecting the knee post an injury is of utmost importance. Use padding or splinting for the purpose. This controls the symptoms of the injury and protects the knee from further injury.
- RICE Method – Home Remedy for Knee Pain
A patient who has undergone a knee injury or is suffering from conditions like arthritis, runner’s knee etc should always follow the RICE method at home for knee pain relief. steps that go a long way in relieving pain and swelling.
R stands for Rest
- Rest gives time for the knee to heal in case of an injury.
- In cases of chronic knee pain, rest reduces repeated stress and pressure on the knee and keeps some of the pain away.
I stands for ICE
- Use ice bags to ice your knees for 20-30 minutes twice every day.
- Icing reduces swelling.
- It is useful both in case of chronic as well as acute knee pain.
C stands for Compression
- You can compress your knee with a brace or a wrap.
- Compressing the knee reduces swelling.
- In case of a few injuries, compression can actually keep the patella aligned.
E stands for Elevation
- This is the best way to rest your knees.
- Use a recliner to keep your knees elevated.
- You may also use cushions to keep the knee at an elevated position.
- Elevation uses gravity to ensure that fluids don’t accumulate in the knee and instead get circulated.
- Low Impact Exercise like Yoga
Indulging in regular exercise keeps the muscles strong and the joints mobile. Resting the knees too much might stiffen the joint. But heavy exercises might do more harm than good. So go for low impact yet effective exercises like yoga. Though yoga is the best option you can also try walking, cycling, swimming or other water exercises.
But before you do anything, take the advice of a knee pain specialist because in some cases like sprain, strain or severe pain, exercise is a big ‘no’.
- Weight Management
Having a healthy weight may delay the symptoms of osteoarthritis and put less pressure on an affected knee.
- Heat and Cold Therapy
After an injury of the knee, heat and cold therapy may be prescribed by a specialist as part of knee pain treatment.
- You might be asked by your therapist to apply a hot water bottle or a heating pad on the affected knee.
- Molten paraffin or a naturally occurring substance called capsaicin may also be used to apply heat.
- Alternating between hot and cold compression is the key.
- Never use ice directly for cold compression. Either use an ice pad or an ice gel pad.
- The best method will be prescribed by a knee care specialist.
- Natural Approach
Numerous herbal and Ayurvedic ingredients are as good for knee pain and inflammation as over-the-counter ointments containing salicylate are some of the ingredients used to make herbal and natural pain relief ointments and oils are ginger, cinnamon, sesame seed oil, garlic, camphor, mastic etc. Willow bark is also an active natural ingredient to treat knee pain but consumption of the same needs to done with numerous precautions. Talk to your knee pain doctor before you decide to use willow bark for knee pain.
- Getting Enough Vitamin D
It has been found through case studies and research that patients who have a Vitamin D deficiency are more likely to develop osteoarthritis. Due to the current lifestyle pattern of staying mostly indoors, staying in air-conditioned atmospheres or not having much outdoor activity, Vitamin D deficiency is quite common. Sunlight is the best source of Vitamin D. So look for ways to spend more time in the sun. Also speak to your knee pain specialist about Vitamin D supplements.
Food to Take and Foods to Avoid with Knee Pain
Like in the case of every other health condition or disease, food plays a key role in knee pain. In certain cases like arthritis, joint pain etc., food plays a very important role.
Foods to Take
– Garlic
Diallyl Disulfide in garlic helps with arthritis. Researchers believe that this compound may limit cartilage destroying enzymes. Garlic is also found to be anti-inflammatory.
– Turmeric
Turmeric is a spice that fights inflammation like magic. Curcumin present in turmeric, may help with chronic inflammatory joint pain. As turmeric is an essential part of almost every Indian food preparation, it is very easy for patients to reap its benefits.
– Vitamin C
Vitamin C is present in citrus fruits like oranges, lemons, kiwi etc. A 2011 research conducted by University of South Florida reached the conclusion that people who take vitamin C regularly are 11% less like to develop osteoarthritis.
– Ginger
In 2001, a study was conducted involving 261 osteoarthritis patients who were asked to consume ginger extracts daily. After about one and a half months, 63% patients said that their knee pain felt less severe. Ginger is also believed to have anti-inflammatory properties.
– Broccoli
Broccoli is one of the super-foods of nature. Broccoli contains a lot of compounds that are great for the human body. Sulforaphane in broccoli restricts the formation of a cell that aids in the development of rheumatoid arthritis. Overall, it is definitely a food that patients of rheumatoid arthritis should include in their diets.
– Walnuts
Walnuts are a great source of Omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the health of joints like the knee, especially for people who are suffering from rheumatoid and other forms of arthritis.
– Spinach
Spinach contains kaempferol which is a compound that fights inflammatory agents in case of rheumatoid arthritis. A test-tube study in 2017 also showed that kaempferol reduces inflammation in arthritic cartilage cells. This may help slow down the progression of osteoarthritis.
– Fatty Fish
Fatty-fish are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that consumption of fatty fish decreases the level of inflammatory compounds in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids in general are very helpful with health of the knee. They keep the joints flexible, help with morning stiffness etc.
– Calcium-rich Foods
Calcium is good for the bones. Low-fat dairy, milk, cheese are good sources of calcium.
– Other Anti-Inflammatory Foods
Anti-inflammatory foods have been found to reduce the pain or different types of arthritis. They also slow down the progression of such diseases. These foods include –
- Olive oil
- Grapes
- Tart cherry
- Foods rich in anti-oxidants like berries, dark chocolate etc
Foods to Avoid
– Sugars
Sugar contributes to weight gain and we know how important it is to maintain a healthy weight in order to inflict less pressure on the knees. Also, sugar and sugar releasing foods like white bread may contribute to inflammation.
– Salt
Swelling of the knee joint is quite common in osteoarthritis. Salt crystals may aggravate this by attracting water. Apart from avoiding salt in daily diet, it is important to avoid packaged food, processed food, chips, packaged sauces etc. that contain a high level of salt.
– Trans and Saturated Fats
Trans-fats and saturated fats are found in plenty in processed foods, packaged foods, baked goods like cakes, cookies etc. These need to be avoided as they can trigger inflammation.
It is better to avoid packaged and processed food in general as they also contain hidden ingredients like preservatives, MSG etc. that are not at all good for health.
– Omega-6 Fatty Acids
While omega-3 fatty acids are good for patients of arthritis, omega-6 fatty acids are not. Omega-6 fatty acids can trigger inflammation. They are found in cooking oils like sunflower oil.
Besides all this, you may have to avoid other foods. You may be sensitive to some kinds of food which may cause inflammation. A particular food may react with a pain medication you are taking and make it ineffective. Talk to your knee pain doctor to get a list of all the foods you should avoid and the foods you should take with knee pain.
How to Cure Knee Pain in the Safest Way?
Is a knee replacement surgery or similar surgical procedure the only solution to chronic or acute knee pain? Are they solutions at all? If you have suffered an injury and a subsequent knee operation, you may still have to depend on ways of pain management throughout your life. What would you depend on then? Good news is that there are completely natural and side-effect free ways to deal with knee pain.
1. Say No to Harmful Painkillers
Most patients suffering from knee pain depend on harmful allopathic painkillers for relieving pain. These painkillers don’t solve the problem. They only provide temporary relief. Moreover, they can give rise to bigger problems like damaged kidneys.
2. Should You Go For Surgery?
Are you contemplating going for surgery for your knee? Opting for a surgical solution for knee pain from injuries or chronic conditions like osteoarthritis has become very popular these days but the success of surgeries like knee replacement depend on several conditions like the patient’s body weight, other illnesses, type of activity the patient usually engages in etc. Also, these surgeries provide solutions for a limited period of time like a few years. A replaced knee works well only for a few years. It is also true that such surgical procedures are costly and come with substantial risk.
3. Combination of Ayurveda, Yoga and Unani
If you are apprehensive about going for allopathic and surgical solutions to knee pain problems, you can definitely go for a combination of Fundamentals of Ayurveda, Potentised Unani and Therapeutic Yoga. Where would you find this? The only healthcare centre in pan India Naturoveda Health World.
Naturoveda Health World boasts a team of experienced knee pain specialists in Kolkata who provide effective solutions to cure knee pain effectively.
4. Holistic Health Benefits
Ayurveda, Yoga and Unani aim at holistic development of health. So, depending on these things would not only relieve your painful knee but will benefit your health in general.
5. Complete Eradication if Detected at Early Stage
The first step at treating knee pain effectively is identifying its symptoms at an early stage. For example, if you are able to identify the early symptoms of arthritis and start treating your knee with the concepts of Ayurveda, Unani and Yoga, you can actually delay and slow down the effects of the disease. Alongside all this you would need to include lifestyle changes and dietary changes for maximum effectiveness of natural solutions.
Why are Natural Solutions at Naturoveda Health World Better?
- Our solutions do not involve the use of surgery or even injections. So, there is no discomfort associated with our treatment procedure.
- The natural medication we use is approved by the Government of India.
- Our treatment eradicates the root cause of the disease along with the symptoms.
- We have a highly experienced team of knee pain specialists in Kolkata.
- Our treatment not only focuses on relieving pain but also on overall functioning of the joint.
- We have a high success rate and our treatment has been twice awarded by the Government of India.
If you are looking for Ayurvedic treatment for knee pain in Kolkata or herbal solutions for knee pain relief, don’t look beyond Naturoveda Health World. We are the best! Our knee pain treatment procedures have been awarded, the smiling faces of our patients are our testimonials and our team of experienced knee pain specialist and doctors is our pride. So, if you want to relieve knee pain and deal with its root cause, consult to Naturoveda Health World.
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