Back pain can be very uncomfortable, irritating and can lead to low level of productivity in people who suffer from it. In fact, it is one of the top causes of disability in the world. People of a variety of ages can suffer from back pain. It happens due to a number of different reasons such as injury, underlying medical conditions, certain kinds of activities, wrong postures etc. However, in elderly people lower back pain is pretty common as they often suffer from conditions such as degenerative disc disease, osteoporosis or osteoarthritis.

Lower back pain, also called lumbago, is not classified as a disease or disorder. It is rather a symptom related to medical issues linked with bony lumber spine, ligaments around spine and disk, spinal cord and nerves, internal organs in the abdomen and pelvis, disks between the vertebrae, muscles of the lower back, skin around the lumber area etc.

Naturoveda Health World specializes in all kinds of back pain treatment – be it lower back pain treatment or upper back pain treatment. We provide back pain solution the natural way. So if you are looking for back pain Ayurvedic treatment in Kolkata, you can get in touch with us!


Symptoms of Back Pain

Back pain is a symptom in itself of an underlying medical condition or an injury or a problem with the posture. In fact, pain felt anywhere in the back area is considered as back pain. The pain can sometimes even go down to the buttocks and the legs. If the pain arises out of an affected nerve, the pain can even be felt at another part of the body with which that particular nerve is connected.

Other symptoms in case of severe pain or that indicating presence of another internal medical issue are–

  • Fever
  • Weight loss
  • Swelling in the back
  • Inability to stand up straight without pain
  • Inability to flex the back
  • Substantial loss of motion
  • Inflammation in the back
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Difficulty in urinating
  • Numbness felt around the genitals and/or buttocks and/or anus
  • Loss of control over bowel movement or faecal incontinence

In severe cases, the patient might feel pain even while lying down or resting. Sometimes the pain even reaches down to the knees.

When to See the Doctor

Back pain arising out of temporary issues with posture or muscle pain may resolve with some care at home. But if back pain persists and is accompanied by some of the symptoms stated in the earlier section, it may need immediate medical attention.

Also, if back pain happens after a physical injury or a fall, the doctor should be contacted immediately. Back pain accompanied by the following conditions may indicate an underlying serious medical issue –

  • Loss of bowel or bladder control
  • Numbness and weakness in legs
  • Pain that radiates to legs
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fever
  • Throbbing pain in abdomen
  • Consistent pain that gets worst at night

Such symptoms indicates the need of immediate professional medical attention. You should also get in touch with the doctor if your back pain does not improve with rest or persists past a few weeks.

Back pain relief treatment is complicated! Depending on your symptoms the medical practitioner will prescribe ways in which you can treat all kinds of back pain. Naturoveda Health World specializes in natural treatment – be it lower back pain treatment or upper back pain treatment.  

Causes of Back Pain

A person’s back consists of bones, muscles, ligaments, disks, and tendons etc which are key to human movement. The co-ordinated function of these parts enables movement. An issue with any of these components leads to back pain. Therefore, when one tries to look at the cause of back pain, one should have a wide and all-around approach. Some broad causes of back pain are strain, wrong posture or movement, internal medical issues etc. Let us explore these in details.


Injury or any other kind of physical tension may lead to strain and subsequent back pain. Tensions that commonly lead to strain are –

  • Damaged disk – disks are the pads that cushion the segments of the spine
  • Muscle spasm
  • Damaged or strained ligaments or muscles
  • Muscle tension
  • Injury from fall
  • Fractures

Activities that usually lead to the above issues range from lifting or moving something heavy or lifting something in a wrong way. Sometimes an abrupt movement may also lead to strain. Over-activity may also cause strain.

Structural Problems

Strain might lead to temporary back pain but there are a few structural medical issues associated with chronic back pain. These include –

Ruptured Discs

Discs support the segments of the spine. Each vertebra is supported by a disk. Therefore, if a disk ruptures it will inflict pressure on a nerve resulting in back pain.

Bulging Disks

Like ruptured disks, bulging disks also put pressure on nerves leading to back pain.


This is a special case of a bulging or herniated disk pressuring a nerve that sends a shooting pain from the back, through the buttock down to the back of the leg. This kind of pain is accompanied by tingling and numbness.


Osteoarthritis can affect the joints of the hips or lower back leading to numerous complications resulting in back pain. Spinal osteoarthritis is caused by damage of lower back cartilage.

Spinal Stenosis

Over time, spinal osteoarthritis can lead to spinal stenosis in which condition the space around the spinal cord narrows.

Abnormal Spine Curvature

Sometimes the spine curves in an unusual way. For example, scoliosis is such a case when the spine curves sideways.


Osteoporosis makes the bones of the spine brittle and porous. They become prone to breakage and it increases the risk of compression fractures.

Posture and Movement Issues

These days, back pain has become very common among young people. In most cases, it is seen that the reason behind this type of back pain is a wrong posture – sitting in front of the computer or laptop in a hunched position for long hours. Such activities in our day-to-day life lead to back pain, without our realising it! Since a person unknowingly indulges in such activities on a daily basis, the back pain may seem chronic although it may be temporary.

These activities may include –

  • Over stretching
  • Coughing or sneezing
  • Bending awkwardly for long hours
  • Twisting
  • Standing or sitting for long hours
  • Straining neck or bending while working on the desk, on the computer or driving
  • Driving for a long time
  • Sleeping on the wrong type of mattress – one that does not support the body or keep the spine straight

Internal Medical Issues

Some other internal causes may also lead to back pain. These include –

Kidney Problems

Sometimes kidney infection or kidney stones may lead to back pain.


When one vertebra gets displaced onto another, it is called degenerative spondylolisthesis.

Cauda Equina Syndrome

Cauda Equina refers to a group of nerve roots that arise from the lower end of the spinal cord. Issues with these may lead to a dull pain in the lower back or upper part of buttocks. Sometimes, this pain is accompanied by a numbness in the buttocks, thighs and genital area, bladder or bowel problems etc. Loss of nerve function occurs in this case making it a medical emergency.

Tumour or Cancer of Spine

A tumour, benign or malignant, in the spine, may press on a nerve causing back pain.

Infection of Spine

An infection in the spine may lead to back pain along with fever and tenderness or warmth in any area of the back.

Sleep disorders

Those who suffer from sleep disorders are more likely to suffer from back pain that those who have proper sleep cycles.


Shingles/ Herpes Zoster – an infection of nerve and the skin around it may lead to back pain. Other bacterial or fungal infections of the spine or even tuberculosis also result in back pain.

The best treatment for back pain involves identifying the underlying causes. Add to that the benefit of side-effect free and natural treatment procedure. Can there be a better back pain solution? So if you looking for back pain Ayurvedic treatment, you can consult the specialists of Naturoveda Health World.

Risk Factors of Back Pain

Some factors may make you more prone to develop back pain. Some of these factors include-

  • An occupation that involves movements leading to strain in the back or requires you to sit and work on a desk for long hours etc.
  • Lack of physical activity or a sedentary lifestyle.
  • Pregnancy
  • Age
  • Being overweight or obese.
  • Engaging in strenuous physical activity on a daily basis.
  • Engaging in high-impact exercise without prior warming up or stretching.
  • Smokers are more susceptible to developing back pain. This may be because smoking reduces blood flow to the spine and increases the risk of osteoporosis. Smokers also cough a lot. Excessive coughing can lead to displaced for herniated disks.
  • Family history
  • If you are suffering from certain medical conditions like arthritis or certain types of cancer, you may develop back pain.
  • It has been observed by doctors and researchers that women are more prone to developing back pain compared to men. This may be due to hormonal reasons.
  • It has been observed that emotional health might be related to back pain. Those who suffer from stress or anxiety are more prone to developing back pain.

Back pain and Pregnancy

Back pain is not uncommon during pregnancy. There may be many factors contributing to this. First, as the baby grows the centre of gravity of the body shifts. To make up for the change in balance, more pressure gets exerted on the lower lumbar spine. Pregnancy also leads to weight gain, putting more stress on the back muscles. Also during pregnancy, several types of hormones are released by the body that relax the ligaments of the pelvis and the lumbar spine. This may lead to discomfort and pain in the back. Though back pain during pregnancy is commonly experienced and temporary, you should consult your doctor if you are experiencing it.

Diagnosing Back Pain

The first step in the diagnosis of back pain is a physical examination. A physical examination includes step such as –

  • Testing the patient’s ability to stand and walk
  • Testing the patient’s reflexes in the concerned area
  • Checking the patient’s leg strength
  • Testing the spine’s range of motion
  • Checking if the patient is able to detect sensations in the legs

The doctor will also ask questions about the other symptoms experienced by the patients. If back pain arises out of an accident or to check if it is being caused by some underlying medical condition, the patient might be asked to go for imaging and lab tests. Also, if the pain has persisted too long and the patient’s condition is not stable, certain other tests might be prescribed, including –

  • Blood tests
  • Urine tests
  • Spine X-rays
  • CT scans or MRIs to check disks, muscles, ligaments, nerves etc
  • Bone Scan
  • Electromyography – which measures the electrical impulses from nerves and muscle reaction to that.

If you are looking for back pain treatment in Kolkata, go for the natural way that identifies and targets the root cause of the issue! Naturoveda Health World provides the best back pain natural treatment in the city!

Preventing Back Pain

In our country, back pain is experienced both by the young and the old. In the case of young patients, back pain is caused by improper posture, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, strain or injuryas well as mobility issues. Let us now look at ways of incorporating few changes in our lifestyle that can prevent back pain.


Exercise helps in manifold ways to keep back pain at bay. First, it helps with weight management. It also increases muscle strength and body flexibility. Go for guided, low-impact exercises like aerobics. There are two types of exercises which very helpful in back pain and can substantially reduce its risk –

  • Core-strengthening exercises that work the abdominal and back muscles strengthening them and thereby protecting the back.
  • Flexibility training that improves core flexibility of spine, hips, upper legs etc.


Standing, sitting, or lying down in one place for a long time is very bad for the back and can aggravate pain. In order to prevent this, try getting up, walking around, and doing some simple stretches from time to time. It helps with blood circulation in the back and also eases strains and aches from inactivity.

Checking Body Weight

The greater your body weight, the more pressure in inflicts on your back. Thus, people who are obese or overweight are at a substantially higher risk of developing back related aches. People who have put on weight in the abdominal area are also at a higher risk of developing back pain. Thus try to exercise and eat healthy food to keep the excess kilograms away.


Increasing intake of calcium and vitamin D ensures strong bones and prevents osteoporosis which is one of the most common causes of back pain in elderly individuals, especially women. Food items rich in calcium are –

  • Milk
  • Yogurt
  • Leafy greens

Vitamin D is found in food items like –

  • Fatty fish
  • Egg yolks
  • Cheese


When Standing: Stand upright and face forward keeping your back straight. Try to balance the weight of your body evenly on both legs. Always stand in the neutral pelvic position. Keep your legs straight and your head on a straight line with your spine. Avoid slouching, drooping your shoulders or bending while standing.

While Sitting: Use a good chair or seat at your work desk – something that has a good support at the back, arm rests and swivel base. While sitting try to keep your feet flat on the ground or use a footstool. Also try to keep your knees and hips level. Ideally, you should sit upright with support only at the small of your back. While using a computer make sure your elbows are placed at right angles and your forearms are placed horizontally. Never slump over your desk!

While Driving: Place proper support on your back, especially if you are driving long distance. Your wing mirrors should be properly positioned to avoid the need to twist. While on a long journey, take breaks often to get out of the car to walk a bit or indulge in some stretching.

While Sleeping: Use a good quality mattress that keeps your spine straight. Use a pillow that does not bend your neck at a steep angle. Sleeping on your back puts pressure on the spine which can be reduced by elevating the legs slightly by putting a pillow under the knees.

Lifting Weights at the Gym

Lifting weights the wrong way often leads to back injury and subsequent pain. So, if you want to indulge in such exercises make sure you are under the supervision of a trainer who will show you the right process to do the work.

While Lifting or Moving Heavy Things

Always look for another helping hand when you need to lift or move something heavy. When involved in the activity, look straight so that your neck is in straight alignment with your spine. When moving heavy things try to push them across the floor, also using the strength of your legs, instead of pulling them.

Lighten the Load

We often carry heavy things on a daily basis, without realising it. For example, carrying a heavy laptop bag daily to office or lifting a bag full of groceries or vegetables etc. while coming back from the market on a regular basis can lead to strain on the back. Try distributing the weight on both sides of the body if you can’t lighten it.

Proper Shoes

Wear comfortable shoes without high heels. Shoes with less than one inch heel are the best for your back.

Quit Smoking

Smokers are more prone to experience back pain than non-smokers. This is because, nicotine may restrict blood flow to the spine disks. This can make them dry, cracked or ruptured. Smoking also reduces oxygen flow in the blood which may make muscles and tendons more vulnerable to accidental injuries and strains. So it is better to quit smoking if you want to keep back pain away.

Naturoveda Health World provides not only safe and natural but the best treatment for back pain. We follow the natural and Ayurvedic way in providing back pain relief. If you want to opt for side-effect free, natural back pain solution, you need to go for an alternative natural medical care provider. Naturoveda will be the best option in this regard! So if you are looking for back pain treatment in Kolkata, trust the best, trust the pioneer.  

About the Author:

Dr. K. M. Saifullah


Editor-in-Chief, Health Companion

Honoured as Revolutionary Icon of Indian Medical Sciences.

Dr. K. M. Saifullah is a visionary leader and an expert in the field of healthcare. As the founder and driving force behind Naturoveda Health World, he has dedicated his life to promoting natural, holistic healing practices that improve the health and well-being of his patients. With extensive research and experience in medicine, exercise science, and nutrition, Dr. Saifullah has published numerous articles on these topics that have gained worldwide recognition. His proactive approach and ability to generate fresh ideas and perspectives have made him a respected figure in the healthcare industry.

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